Product Details
Stories by Ivan E. Coyote
In Close to Spider Man-which won a Danuta Gleed Literary Award-readers were introduced to the crystalline storytelling voice of Ivan Coyote. The talent evident in that first collection is confirmed with One Man's Trash, a series of connected stories about searching out new frontiers, and being on the road.
The characters in One Man's Trash make evident the child in all of us, when heroes and superheroes won the day. Tales of being on the road: to the northern tundra or the southern desert, through cities and towns, on horses, in trucks and vans, with friends, family, and lovers.
This is a collection of journeys, adventures, and quests. The moral of these stories is that the games people play are not much different than those played by children. In achingly personal tones, Ivan E. Coyote paints beautiful and honest portraits of life, the road, and the spirits within.
Paperback: 136 pagesPublisher: Arsenal Pulp Press; 1st Edition edition (April 1 2002)
ISBN-13: 9781551521206
Product Dimensions: 14 x 1 x 21.3 cm
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