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Showing: 2 Results
Pjur ''Original'' Silicone Lubricant 3.4oz

Our all-around product for maximum enjoyment. Pjur ORIGINAL is the first and bestselling personal silicone lubricant in the world. It provides a pleasurable, long-lasting gliding feeling, while making your skin smooth and silky soft. Pjur ORIGINAL is super concentrated and...

Regular price $49.99

Pjur ''Analyse Me!'' Silicone Lubricant w/ jojoba -3.4oz

The Pjur Analyse Me silicone based lubricant is a premium personal anal lubricant with maximum relaxing jojoba. Intended to moisturize and enhance the comfort and ease of intimate sexual intimacy. Used for lubrication and skin moisturization Analyse Me's silicone properties are...

Regular price $49.99

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